Terms and Conditions of the online warehouse www.annapol.eu
We only conduct wholesale with business entities.
We do not sale on a retail basis, our client registry system does not allow for the registry of clients which are not business entities. The registry application form requires to enter the company name and tax identification number (Polish NIP). After receiving the necessary documents confirming business activity, the documents are verified by our commercial department and upon its acceptance we can activate the new account which we inform you about in a separate email.
Access and use of this website are subject to the rules specified in the Terms and Conditions and the provisions of law.
We kindly ask to read carefully the following rules as using the online warehouse is tantamount to their knowledge and acceptance.
Prior to the first purchase, a customer being an “economic entity” is obliged to provide us with copies of the following documents:
1. A copy of an Entry in the Court Register or a business registration certificate
2. NIP/Tax identification number
All of the abovementioned documents are required in order to carry out the first order and gain access to the prices in our B2B system.
§ I. Transaction parties
1. The Seller is F.H.U. Annapol Mariusz Kamiński with the registered office in Bytom; ul. Jagiellońska 15, tax ID 626-129-49-37, EU VAT ID: PL6261294937, REGON number: 273594290.
2. The Buyer in the online store may be a business entity.
§ II. The scope of transaction
1. The scope of transaction are the goods listed in the offer of the Internet store presented on the website www.annapol.eu at the moment of placing an order.
2. All the prices displayed at www.annapol.eu are net prices expressed in Polish zlotys excluding the value added tax.
3. All the goods are new, originally packed, covered by manufacturer\'s or distributor’s warranty and free of manufacturing and legal defects.
§ III. Orders
1. Orders at www.annapol.eu can be placed on a 24/24 7/7 basis through the store website, by email or over the phone from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on working days.
2. Each order, regardless of the form of its placement, should include name and surname of the Purchaser, their postal address, the address of delivery, their email address, phone number and all the data needed for the purpose of invoicing (provided the purchaser wants to receive an invoice). In addition, an order shall include exact names (symbols) and quantities of the ordered goods, the selected form of payment and the mode of delivery.
3. In connection with point 2 of the present section, a person placing an order shall have their own email account and be able to give a phone number on which it will be possible to contact them.
4. The purchase and sale agreement is concluded the moment a confirmation of acceptance of the order is sent by an employee of F.H.U. ANNAPOL to the email address submitted by the Purchaser.
5. The Purchaser is obliged to give their true personal data.
6. The orders that have been sent for processing cannot be modified. An order can be modified only through sending appropriate information, including the order number as well as name and surname of the Purchaser, to the email address annapol@annapol.com. F.H.U. Annapol will send a message to the email address provided by the Purchaser with the information that the order has been sent for processing.
7. An order can be cancelled without specifying reasons.
§ IV. Modes of payment
1. Against payment. Payment to the delivery agent at the time of delivery of the merchandise.
2. Wire transfer. The moment this form of payment is chosen, the merchandise ordered is reserved in the warehouse. The order is processed after the payment has been credited to the business account of F.H.U. ANNAPOL. Bank account number:
Transfers in PLN
Owner: Firma Handlowo-Usługowa Annapol Mariusz Kamiński NRB: 05 2490 0005 0000 4530 9112 4993 IBAN: PL 05 2490 0005 0000 4530 9112 4993 Bank name: Alior Bank SA Bank headquarters address: ul. Łopuszańska 38D, 02-232 Warszawa BIC/SWIFT: ALBPPLPW
Transfers in euros
Owner: Firma Handlowo-Usługowa Annapol Mariusz Kamiński NRB: 89 2490 0005 0000 4600 9478 5090 IBAN: PL 89 2490 0005 0000 4600 9478 5090 Bank name: Alior Bank SA Bank headquarters address: ul. Łopuszańska 38D, 02-232 Warszawa BIC/SWIFT: ALBPPLPW
3. As far as untypical rarely sold goods are concerned, ANNAPOLreserves the right to exclude the against payment mode form the available forms of payment.
§ V. Merchandise delivery and reception
1. The ordered goods will be delivered to the address provided by the Purchaser. Usually, the order lead time is 2-3 working days or up to 7 working days depending on the mode of delivery chosen.
2. We reserve the right to cancel out-of-stock items or ship lower quantities than ordered, and inform the buyer about out-of stocks only at his request.
3. In case the Purchaser finds out that the merchandise is damaged at its reception, they should fill out a damage report in the presence of the delivery agent including the date and time of the delivery and a description of damages or missing items. In case the package is damaged, make sure that the boxes in the section “the state of the outer package” in the damage protocol are checked properly, that is according to the factual findings.
4. Complaints related to short or damaged deliveries have to be reported immediately, not later than on the day of delivery, requests submitted on other days will not be taken into account.
§ VI. Warranties and complaints
1. Each merchandise sold is covered by manufacturer\'s or distributor’s warranty. Warranty repairs are performed in service points authorized by the manufacturer according to the warranty conditions.
2. For most goods, the guarantee is granted for a period of 24 or 12 months from the date of shipment.
3. Every product purchased in our warehouse, with a few exceptions, has a warranty. Due to natural wear and tear of consumables, products which are not under warranty are: cables, speakers, antennas, electronic component semiconductors, some mechanical parts (rollers, belts, sleeves, etc.), soldering tips, paste, etc. Specific goods, which are in our offer, are self-assembly kits. In this case, we obviously cannot guarantee that after being assembled the system will operate in accordance with the expectations of the buyer. This greatly depends on the assembly method, user\'s skills and care. The main products of this type are modeling sets. Thus, in this case, our guarantee applies only to providing you with a complete set and high quality of its components.
4. Damages caused by external causes are not under the warranty. These include: mechanical damages, pollution, flooding, weather phenomena, improper installation or maintenance, as well as improper operation. What is more, the warranty does not apply if the Client made unauthorized repairs.
5. If during the warranty period defects are detected, they will be removed free of charge within 26 working days from the date of approving the warranty service by the manufacturer. If, however, the repair requires ordering spare parts, or sending the defective component to specialist services, this period may be extended.
6. Failing to meet the conditions of the warranty, in particular: breaking warranty seals, breaking or damaging barcode stickers, improper transport of goods to the service, invalidates the warranty.
7. The equipment delivered to the service must be complete. It must contain: the original packaging, documentation, software, cables and other items supplied by the company with the goods.
8. If the requirement provided in the paragraph above is not complied with, then it will be impossible to replace such equipment with another one with similar characteristics, nor to refund money. In such situations, it will be possible to provide only a repair service.
9. A complaint form has to be attached to the equipment. It should be downloaded from our website and filled in correctly
10. The goods must be sent after contacting the service department reklamacje@annapol.pl, through a courier company at the cost of the customer. The service does not collect cash-on-delivery parcels!
11. In a situation, when it is impossible to repair the equipment or replace it with a new one, the customer will be refunded the price of the goods. For this purpose a correction will be made in the sales document. If the invoice is corrected, you will need to return the corrected invoice signed by the Customer. The amount due will be sent to the Customer within 14 days after receiving the signed document by the Annapol Company. The amount will be returned to the customer\'s bank account.
12. Using the warranty services is not possible after the expiration of the warranty period.
13. The warranty for the parts or the entire device which are replaced ends with the end of the warranty for this device. All other claims, including refund claims, are excluded unless otherwise provided by law. Claims transgressing this contract are not included in the warranty.
14. The warranty and the conditions contained in it are valid in the Republic of Poland.
§ VII. Returns
1. In case of incomplete goods (in accordance with Section 2), damaged goods or inconsistent with the order, the complaint should be reported to the complaint department via e-mail or phone. The required data can be found in the \"Contact Us\" section.
2. Goods, in which due to the lack of all ordered goods in the stock a smaller amount was sent than the ordered, should not be considered incomplete. An incomplete product is one with missing parts, components, manuals, etc.
3. Merchandise cannot be returned unless it is non-compliant with the order.
4. The complaint form should include the purchase document number, name of the damaged goods and a description of the fault. Please, add your contact details – DOWNLOAD–
§ VIII. Sales documents
1. Each product purchased at www.annapol.eu comes with a sales receipt and warranty.
§ IX. GDPR INFORMATION CLAUSE Acquiring data from the data subject
According to art. 13 para. 1 and par. 2 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27/04/2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection) (OJ L 119, p. 1) (hereinafte: GDPR), I inform that:
The personal data administrator is: ANNAPOL Mariusz Kamiński The Trade and Service Company Jagiellońska 15 Street 41-902 Bytom Tax Number 626-129-49-37 tel. +48 32,388 12 28
Your data will be processed and made available for the following purposes:
1. Sales of products offered by ANNAPOL Mariusz Kamiński The Trade and Service Company located in the following online stores: www.annapol.com sprzedaż hurtowa B2B – 1 www.annapol.pl sprzedaż hurtowa B2B – 2 www.annapol.eu sprzedaż hurtowa B2B – 3 www.annapol.com.pl sprzedaż hurtowa B2B – 4 www.zabawkizdalniesterowane.pl sprzedaż hurtowa B2B – 5 2. User account maintenance services in the above warehouses 3. Sending commercial information by electronic means 4. Direct marketing 4. se of data for claims in the absence of payment for purchases made (applies to companies with a transfer date resulting from signed contracts). 5. Checking payment credibility 6. Entities providing transport services in order to execute the sales contract concluded with the User 7. Entities providing services related to current operations or its subcontractors (eg accounting offices, debt collection companies, business partners, companies supporting IT systems, etc.) 8. Law enforcement and judicial authorities based on their written application 9. Other entities entitled to receive them under the law, when there are circumstances justified by legal provisions.
The legal basis for data processing is GDPR art. 6 section sign 1.
Detailed information on the processing of your data and the privacy policy can be found in the tabHelp and then \"Security\" (please click)
The period during which personal data will be stored:
1. Personal data will be processed for the duration of the contract, and after this period for purposes and for the time and to the extent required by law or to secure any claims, including claims of public (tax) authorities or pending withdrawal of consent.
Rights of the data subject:
1. The user has the right to request the administrator to access personal data, rectify them, delete or limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to object to data processing and the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body - GIODO (Deputy Inspector General for Personal Data Protection in Poland) These rights are also valid if the data is processed correctly by the administrator. 2. Any changes in the scope of your personal data may be made by logging in to your account located in\"Customer Panel\" in the tab Your Account here (please click)or sending a message by e-mail to the Administrator\'s address: handlowy@annapol.pl
The above information can be found in the Information Panel in the GDPR tab.
§ X. Final provisions
1. An order can be accepted after a Customer has agreed to the present Terms and Conditions.
2. By placing an order at www.annapol.eu, a Customer gives consent to storage and processing of their personal data by F.H.U. Annapol for the purposes of performing the agreement according to the provisions of the Act on personal data protection in force of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws, No. 133, item 833, as amended).
3. The information presented at www.annapol.eu does not constitute a commercial offer in the understanding of Article 543 of the Polish Civil Code.
4. All trademarks and brand names displayed at www.annapol.eu constitute the sole propriety of the companies to which they belong and they are used only for information purposes.
5. All technical data and specifications displayed at www.annapol.eu come from original manufacturers’ materials. F.H.U. Annapol does not bear any responsibility for incorrectness of the data submitted by the manufacturer and reserves the right to make a mistake.
6. Despite our best efforts we cannot guarantee that the published materials are free of errors or discrepancies. However, these oversights cannot be a basis for any claims. Photos of products listed on the website annapol.eu, may slightly differ from the actual look of goods that are currently on sale. In case of any doubts please contact FHU ANNAPOL
7. Matters not provided for in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by adequate provisions of the Polish Civil Code.
8. F.H.U. ANNAPOL reserves the right to make changes in the Terms and Conditions. Each Customer is obliged to read the Terms and Conditions and each time shall be bound by its provisions when placing an order.
9. Business entities (companies) that have changed their name, address or set up a new company are required to set up a new account with correct data. The old account will be automatically disabled.